Tenants find rent assistance in Saginaw County CAC

Saginaw County Community Action Committee (Saginaw County CAC) could provide the difference you need to pay the rent when you’ve encountered an economic hardship. This nonprofit organization provides comprehensive community service programs that work to make sure that you do not face homelessness even if you are unable to make your rent payments. These agency programs provide rent assistance in Saginaw County.

Emergency Help with Late Rent

If you have fallen behind on your rent payments and are facing an eviction, Saginaw County CAC may be able to provide cash assistance in an amount necessary to delay the eviction for another month. The purpose of this help is to ensure that you are not at risk of an immediate eviction, and to make sure that you have a chance to come up with additional funds to pay some of your rental arrearages.

The Emergency Services Program does not repay all of your back rent payments. The purpose instead is to buy you more time to come up with additional money as well as to develop a course of action for how you will need to proceed.

In situations where an unexpected hardship has caused you to fall a month or more behind, this help could be enough to get you back on track and one month closer to catching up on your rent. A case manager would discuss the situation with your landlord to determine what the minimum amount necessary would be in order to delay an eviction by 30 days.

Help with First Month’s Rent or Security Deposit

Tenants who have already been evicted or are otherwise displaced or homeless may be able to get financial aid to move into a new rental property. Saginaw County CAC could provide cash assistance to put towards either your first month’s rent or a security deposit.

The advantage to this rent assistance or security deposit grant is that there is no loan to repay. The money is yours to use to get move into a safe and permanent rental loan.

Cash for Utilities

In addition to rental assistance, Saginaw County CAC also has funds to put towards delinquent utility bills. These funds be used to prevent disconnection of service which is important also to make sure that you are able to establish utilities in your name if you move to a new rental property.

Job Training

The Dream Catchers for Life program is a supplemental family self-sufficiency program that can help tenants prepare for better jobs. Your case manager can advise whether you are eligible for this six week job readiness course, which can provide you with valuable training for a number of job skills and life skills.

All these programs are designed to help you remain in steady and affordable housing while working to improve your situation. To see if you qualify for these community programs, call Saginaw County CAC at 989-753-7741. Locations Include Perkins St., East Genesee and S. 20th St. in Saginaw. Rent assistance in Saginaw County is provided by this and other organizations that are committed to the health of the community.