Norcross Cooperative Ministry offers $100 rental grants in Gwinnett County

Financially distressed tenants in Gwinnett County that live in and around Norcross are able to get a bit of extra assistance through a local religious association. Norcross Cooperative Ministry goes above the usual case management by providing actual cash towards rent when someone is facing a shortfall.

Eligible households could receive a grant of up to $100 to put towards rent and/or utilities. The purpose is to give struggling families the extra bit of help they need to make good on their rent payment.

An example of a situation that would be highly considered would be a lower earning household that experienced a recent financial difficulty. If rent was $725 but they family only had $630 on hand, they would not be allowed to make a partial rent payment and would incur late fees. With a grant of the $95 shortfall, the tenant could pay their rent in full and avoid further problems with their landlord.

Some families find that they owe more than $100 in a rental shortfall. That type of situation can also be worked with. It is possible to layer multiple grants from several different providers to help the tenant come up with the full amount. The agency would simply need to see proof that other funds were being provided so that the total cash available was within $100 of the rent balance owed.

Requests are more often approved when a tenant is either late or within five days of being late on their rent. The goal is to help stabilize the family’s living situation so that they are not forced into homelessness.

Who is Norcross Cooperative Ministry?

A partnership between several churches in Gwinnett County in 1988 became known as Norcross Cooperative Ministry. Today these churches collaborate to share resources and volunteers so that the needs of the community’s poor can be met efficiently and quickly.

Funds are pooled between these churches to be used towards rent and other associated living costs. Emergency aid typically covers rent, but allowances for utilities and prescriptions are also made. Since the association receives donations of food, clothing and household supplies, it frequently makes these available in addition to the rent assistance as part of a total aid package.

Individuals and families may get help through Norcross Cooperative Ministry by calling 770-263-8268. After answering a couple of initial questions, an appointment may be quickly scheduled so that a full interview may be conducted for grant consideration.