ESD Provides up to Three Months of Back Rent Payments to Vermont Tenants

A division of the Vermont Agency of Human Services provides rental assistance to cover serious delinquencies.

Some communities have almost no funding for financially distressed families. In Vermont, the state provides substantial support. State government is serious about making sure that no individual or family is forced to go homeless.

The Economic Services Division (ESD) of the Vermont Agency of Human Services can assist with direct support whenever your household is about to be turned upside down. A case manager can authorize direct cash payments to your landlord of up to three months of regular rent payments. Most programs that help with back rent only pay one or two months, making this program extremely generous in comparison. Imagine how this type of support could help you bounce back from a serious economic hardship.

In order to receive the assistance, you must be in immediate danger of homelessness. If you have received a notice to quit your occupancy, then you will need to bring this document to your ESD case manager to show that you are in a desperate situation. If the landlord is still working with you but growing impatient, then a notarized document listing your delinquent rent owed could also be used.

Lower income families who have experienced a recent financial hardship (job loss, medical situation) as well as any household with elderly or disabled persons will receive extra consideration. ESD really wants to see that you need the assistance in order to authorize a grant.

Beyond need, you also need to demonstrate that you can reasonably afford to remain in your home beyond the assistance provided. ESD will not authorize catch up rent payments if you will still be in the same situation three months later. In that type of situation, you will be referred to a transitional housing program that will help you plan for a more permanent living situation that you can afford long-term.

To schedule an appointment with a case manager at ESD or to simply ask a couple of questions, you may call 802-479-1041. ESD case workers will help you determine the proper steps to get back on your feet, and they put their money where their mouth is when assistance is needed.