Bristol Community Organization provides rental help to prevent evictions

Hartford County residents who are at risk of eviction have a lifeline thanks to a community action agency located in Bristol. Bristol Community Organization is committed to helping families in crisis to navigate a difficult situation where legal and financial consequences can otherwise be severe.

The eviction prevention program managed by Bristol Community Organization can provide much needed financial assistance, especially when you have received an eviction notice from your landlord. When the agency gets involved, you often may get help remaining in your current home rather than having to pack up and leave.

The agency accomplishes this through a mediation process with you and your landlord. The landlord must agree to mediate the case with the agency in order for them to help you. Therefore, it is advantageous that you are very polite when dealing with your landlord so that they may be more likely to consent to this special mediation process.

Prior to mediation, your case manager will confirm that you are eligible for assistance. They will need to see evidence of some financial hardship that has caused you to fall behind in your rent. You will need to bring the eviction notice to prove that you are in imminent danger of becoming homeless. Keep in mind that while a hardship may qualify you for rent assistance, you are also expected to be able to recover from this hardship and meet future rent payments after you receive help through the agency.

Income requirements are strict. Households earning more than 60% of median income for Connecticut will generally not qualify. Your rent also cannot exceed 60% of your monthly income. If you are close or are not sure if you qualify, you should contact Bristol Community organization directly at 860-589-8623.

A real benefit is finding a mutually agreeable outcome that you and your landlord can agree to. It keeps the case out of the courts and may allow you to remain in your home. If you qualify for rental assistance on top of the mediation, then back rent payments may be used to help cure all or part of the delinquency.

Don’t let your financial hardship cause an eviction. Get the help you need now before it is too late!