I was unemployed and behind on my rent in Middletown, NY

(Request from Dawn in Middletown, New York) I was unemployed for eight months and am behind on my rent. I now have a job and could afford to say here but I have nothing to put toward the arrears. I don’t even have a car. I need help desperately. My landlord wants me out in 2 weeks.

Dear Dawn,

I have a few questions for you, including:

  • Has your landlord provided an eviction notice?
  • How much do you owe to your current landlord?
  • Have you collected your first paycheck?

Since I do not have all of the facts, I recommend that you contact a case manager who can obtain this information from you in order to determine what possible benefit matches may be possible. A trip to Orange County DSS (845-291-4000) is a good first stop since you will need to be screened for any possible public benefits. It is good to ask about any affordable housing options while you are there. Otherwise, another organization might be a potential match for your needs.

Regional Economic Community Action Program (RECAP)

RECAP helps dozens of disadvantaged clients just like you deal with extreme delinquency situations that can lead to eviction and homelessness if unchecked. This nonprofit organization provides individual counseling to determine whether:

  1. Are there any budget changes that can alleviate your situation?
  2. Are you maximizing your income?
  3. Do you have any special qualifying attributes (small children, elderly, disability) that can improve your approval chances?
  4. Are you a match for delinquent rent programs?

RECAP’s supportive housing program does feature rental assistance, but it is geared more towards emergency shelter and programs that help clients graduate from shelter-based education and support programs. This may be a good match for you if you have continuously struggled to meet your monthly living costs.

Beyond the supportive housing program, RECAP case managers also focus on your earnings potential. They will be very supportive of your steps to obtain a new job. The next step will be to make sure that you are able to keep that job and maximize your hours. If it is possible to work towards a higher earning position, they can provide support for you to work towards that goal as well.

To contact a case manager, call RECAP at 845-342-3978 or visit their office on East Main Street. I would be interested to hear back on how your counseling session goes.