Need help with rent in Yuma

(Request from Megan in Yuma, Arizona) Need help with rent due tomorrow im not working and my bf got laid off and our rent is due tomorrow April 1st and me my bf got laid off from his job please help us!!

Dear Megan,

I understand that you are in a tight spot this month and cannot make your rent payment on-time. Having your boyfriend lose his job has certainly created a hardship, and one that may allow for you to receive some emergency cash assistance or other aid to prevent an eviction.

There are two primary programs that may be of assistance to you to avoid the eviction, or at the very least to assist with the transition to some other more affordable rental housing. They can match you up with job training classes and other opportunities too so that you can restore income to your household as soon as possible.


The Western Arizona Council of Governments (WACOG) has an office in S. 3rd Ave. in Yuma. WACOG is a nonprofit community action program that serves Yuma as well as surrounding communities.

WACOG utilizes comprehensive case management in order to determine what your needs are and to match you with the available rental assistance based on your qualifications and prospects for recovery. In certain situations it may be possible to cover a late rent payment. There may be other types of assistance that WACOG can provide to you as well depending on funding and your eligibility for certain benefits. You can call their local office at 928-782-1886.


Portable Practical Education Preparation (PPEP) may be able to provide you with help on both your rent and your utility payments. This organization provides counseling as well as job search assistance for your boyfriend.

Your case manager can let you know what types of benefits you may be eligible for based on your last 30 days income as well as extenuating circumstances. Job loss is certainly a hardship situation that could be the difference maker on your application. For more information you’ll need to contact their Tucson office at 520-622-3553 in order to schedule an intake interview.

Grant Alternatives

While the above to organizations focus on rental assistance grants to help with rent in Yuma, there may be certain situations where a short-term loan may be a reasonable option. Of course this assumes that you do not rely on consumer finance companies or high-priced payday lenders.

Your bank or credit union likely offers unsecured personal loans that can double as a rental loan. These tend to be priced at around 10 to 16% APR when you price these loans through area credit unions. Membership will be required, see will need to ask what the eligibility requirements are. If you are eligible to join and borrow money from the credit union, many require as little as $25 deposit in order to open an account. Only consider this option if you’re confident in your ability to restore household income quickly as well as to be able to repay at least $100 per month in addition to your normal living expenses. If this is possible, then a loan for your rent payment can be a third option.