I need affordable rent in Charlotte, NC

(Request from Temargia in Charlotte, North Carolina) My husband and i recently separated and i have 3 children. He left and now im stuck with the bills rent that’s $813 plus water lights and other bills that i cannot afford i need to move out of here in two weeks and need housing for my children. Is there any way you can help i have a 9 year old a 7 year old and a 6 month year old.

Dear Temargia,

I hope that you are pursuing the necessary legal path to ensure that your husband honors his financial responsibilities to his family. Regardless of the problems that the 2 of you have had as a couple, he still has an obligation to share basic living expenses that are needed by the family.

I expect that his decision to move out will only result in additional living costs incurred through the rent and utilities that he will incur on a second residence. Therefore we may need to consider that he may not currently have the financial ability to cover his share of your living costs, even if he is order to do so.

Based on your situation, you certainly appear to meet the hardship requirements of many Charlotte-based rental assistance programs. And maybe possible for you to receive some temporary financial assistance to help get through this difficult time.

If your current apartment is unaffordable at the moment you may want to consider reduced rent options or programs that help you move. It may be possible to receive cash to cover future rent or even a security deposit.

Each rental assistance agency maintains a list of affordable rent communities that can be a viable option for a household that recently experienced a reduction in income. You can see what types of rental units are available as well as to determine what the minimum requirements are in order to gain access to those vacancies. Case managers help you navigate this process.

Transitional Housing

I believe that you are a primary candidate for transitional housing. Transitional housing programs can help to facilitate your move from an unaffordable situation into a more affordable permanent living situation. Sometimes a shared housing option is utilized so that you may take advantage of classes and free rents while you save money and try to increase your income.

There are several transitional housing opportunities in Charlotte that are highly recommended. These range from the several transitional homes operated by Oxford House to the single women program operated by Friendship CDC. These programs allow you to take advantage of temporary rent reductions while benefiting from counseling and case management. If they need to negotiate a solution with your current landlord, then that may also be possible.

Other Options

You may be tempted to pursue other options, such as Charlotte lenders that promise to help you catch up on your rent. Keep in mind that loans must be repaid, and you likely will qualify for some grant-based assistance due to your emergency living crisis.

The best bet is to start with one of the rental assistance organizations that help with either transitional housing or affordable rent in Charlotte. This can help you get the assistance you need without being burdened by high-interest loans.